Once all Life is lost, the character dies, and the game ends (unless someone revives them later). However, wounds also cannot worsen over time (although one may equip the Constricting Ring to constantly lose Life), the character either cannot die from bleeding or otherwise lose Life outside being under attack by monsters or walking into traps. In Diablo I, Life does not regenerate naturally, so when the player character suffers an injury/injuries, they do not recover from it without external effects. However, some spells/ skills, like Bone Spirit, Blood Star or Sacrifice, cost Life to cast as well. Mana and other resources are often seen as the opposite of Life. Replenishing lost Life is generally referred to as Healing. Maximum Life is affected by some certain item properties (+Life) and by Vitality. When Life reaches 0, the player character (or monster) dies. Taking damage causes the Life Points to decrease (when all forms of protection are bypassed). Life (also often referred to as Health, or Hit Points) represents the maximum amount of damage that a player character or monster will be able to withstand. Then, just when you get used to it, it's gone."